Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Three Surprising Uses for Botox

Most people associate Botox with reducing or eliminating wrinkles and frown lines on a person's face. Although it's a very common form of facial plastic surgery, many people are not aware of the versatility of Botox. The medication can be used to treat a range of conditions dealing with hair, headaches, and breasts.

Hair Growth

The injection of Botox into the scalp has been found to stimulate hair growth in people who suffer from hair loss. While research on Botox and hair loss restoration is still in the early stages, the initial findings are said to be "promising."

Migraine Treatment

Botox is the latest approved option in treating and preventing chronic migraines. Doctors theorize that the injection of Botox into several parts of the head and neck prevents the transmission of pain signals to nerve endings, thus making Botox an effective treatment for these intense and often debilitating migraine headaches.

Breast Enhancement

Many women may be excited to hear that they can have perkier, fuller breasts with the help of minimally invasive plastic surgery. While the injection of Botox into the pectoralis minor muscles may not increase bust size, it does provide a natural breast lift, helping to achieve a perkier bosom.

As scientists and doctors continue to study the many uses of Botox, they are finding effective treatments and applications that extend beyond traditional plastic surgery.

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