Monday, September 25, 2017

What in the Heck Is a Neck Lift?

A surgical neck lift can reduce signs of aging by removing extra skin around the neck or jawline. This excess skin can be caused by hereditary factors, medical issues, or the natural aging process.

Good Candidates

While most people are good candidates for neck lift surgery, there are some limitations. Those with circulatory problems or other medical issues that delay healing should inform their surgeon before the procedure. Smoking and certain medications may have to be stopped prior to surgery. Perhaps the most important element is the patient’s expectations; they must be realistic. This neck lift procedure does not alter one's overall appearance, and it does not stop the process of aging.

Those who benefit the most are patients looking to correct excess fatty deposits, loose skin, or jowls. The surgery can also correct a sagging platysma muscle, commonly known as "turkey neck."

The Process

The first step is the consultation. The plastic surgeon will examine the patient, review their medical records, and recommend the appropriate course of treatment.

There are two variations of neck lift surgery. One is the traditional method, in which the incision extends around the hairline from the sideburn area to the nape of the neck. The other is a limited method, in which the surgical route is restricted to around the ears. The results of a limited procedure may not be as dramatic as those of a traditional procedure.

Both neck lift methods include redistributing or removing fat and repositioning the skin to restore a more youthful appearance. The incisions are closed with either sutures or glue, and the minimal scars are well hidden from sight.

A neck lift is a surgical procedure and may be performed in a hospital, an outpatient clinic, or an approved surgical office.

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