Monday, September 25, 2017

Five Facelifts to Consider

Facelifts can help provide a more youthful, fresh look. While this procedure was once one-size-fits-all, today's cosmetic surgery patients can choose from several facelift options tailored to their surgical preferences and desired outcomes.

Deep Plane Lift

This is the most extensive type of facelift, in which the surgeon repositions the skin's superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) in a position that releases lines and wrinkles and provides a more relaxed, rested appearance. The deep plane lift provides the longest lasting effects and rarely needs revision.


An SMAS lift affects the top layers of skin and deeper tissues of the face. This facelift is a good choice for those bothered by sagging cheeks and jowls.

Short Scar Lifts

These facelifts are designed for middle-aged individuals who have some excess skin and are concerned about scarring. Unlike other types of facelifts, short scar lifts do not extend beyond the ear and are ideal for patients with no visible signs of aging on their neck.

Endoscopic Facelifts

This minimally invasive procedure is effective for those who have sagging cheeks. This procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis.

Midface Lift

This targeted lift raises the middle third of the face and is often done in conjunction with eyelid surgery for a completely refreshed look with little downtime.

Those considering cosmetic surgery can talk further with their doctor about the risks and benefits of each of these procedures.

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