Monday, September 25, 2017

An Overview of Rhinoplasty Recovery

Rhinoplasty can enhance the appearance of the nose and resolve any breathing issues due to obstruction. Knowing what the recovery process is like enables patients to plan ahead for this procedure.

Immediate Recovery

Swelling and bruising around the nose and eyes can be significant during the first couple of days after surgery. Physicians often recommend keeping the head elevated for the first few days and using cold compresses to help reduce pain and swelling.

Some degree of pain is expected. Many manage it with over-the-counter medications, while others need a prescription pain-reliever. Grogginess can be an issue, especially when taking strong medications.

Congestion is a common complaint, and drainage from the nostrils is also expected.

The Second Week

By about two weeks after the operation, the swelling and bruising should be gone. Sutures dissolve during this period, and most people feel comfortable resuming all normal activities.

Patients who do not wish to draw attention to the rhinoplasty often opt to take about two weeks off work to hide the most obvious signs of surgery.

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